Ireland for one week

anleser eng lk q4 studien 2014

Ireland is a place of folktales, myths and melancholy. That's why it's important to allow yourself the time for stories to be

revealed through the people who keep them. Stories about a tree, a castle or even a hill which you'd just pass by, never knowing its tale, if you were in a hurry to get to the main sights, ...


... such as "the giant's cause way" in the north or "the cliffs of Moher" in the west. I was lucky to receive the opportunity to spend some time in Ireland and share my experiences during our project week (06th - 10th of January 2014). In return my colleagues provided me with additional knowledge on this unique lightly populated island. Topics were for example "the history of Ireand", its politics as well its economy and culture.


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